Thursday 6 March 2014

Double page spread comparison

My music magazine's double page spread also shares similar conventions to the NME magazine. Both magazines have the main photo placed on one half of the page that follows onto the other. A difference is that my photo is a medium close-up to capture the emotions of the models face to relate it to the article where as, NME has used a long shot of  Florence to show her power and authority of where she is. I have also used a pull quote on my magazine where as NME hasn't, to give an idea of what the article contains.  Both magazines have a very plain colour scheme that link with the overall magazine to keep the theme of the genre. I have also put an effect of my photo to give an 'indie' look to it.
Another difference is that my headline uses big, bold letters that are placed on top of colour panels to make it stand out. NME have used lower case letters just on the background.

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