Wednesday 5 March 2014

Contact sheet for music magazine

The photos I have used are all photos that could potentially be used in my magazine as either: the main image for the front cover, the double page spread or on my contents page. The photos with a red cross on them shows the ones that I would not be using and the ones with the green ticks on, I would.  All the photos with a cross are not appropriate for my front cover as she is either: not looking directly at the camera - holding the gaze, not aligned properly in the centre or just fooling around about in the photo, making it seem unprofessional.  The landscape photo with a cross is not suitable for the double page spread as the model takes up the majority of the area on the picture, so placing text and conventions on top would make it difficult to read.
The reasons why I have ticked the other photos is that they show a professional image of the model which is suited to her behaviour and personality which relates to the genre of her music. The photos have a plain background around the model, which is better for the conventions and features as it makes them stand out more and grabs the audience's attention.

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