Saturday 18 January 2014

Front cover comparison

I have chosen the NME magazine to compare with my magazine as they both share the same genre and show similar conventions.
Firstly, the main headline for the NME magazine is the name of the band and is sectioned near the bottom of the page and placed over the main image. I replicate this style in my own magazine, as it clearly shows the main feature and draws the audience's attention but I also added a 'fuzzy' effect to the writing to make it seem more elaborate and less plain.
Another similarity that both magazines share is the use of a pug. In my magazine, I used this convention to promote festival tickets that the audience could possibly win and in addition attract a wider audience for my magazine. They both use the main colour from the colour scheme and mine uses a light to dark gradient to make it bolder and stand out more.
The magazines both have a 'plus' section which shows many of the bands that are featured in this issue of the magazine. I have placed mine at the bottom of the page using the full width to have as many artists in as possible, to expand the target audience. Whereas, the NME magazine has placed it in the bottom corner using a very small area.
Finally, another feature that I have positioned in a similar manner is the secondary coverlines. On the magazines, the coverlines are both placed at the top, right side yet I have place panels of colour behind the text whereas NME hasn't.
The colour scheme is different to the NME magazine as it has more of 'rock' look, using colours such as red and where in comparison I used a green colour giving at more 'indie' look as that's what I wanted to achieve. Both magazines use the colour white mainly for the text as it stands out more. 

A difference is that the NME magazine uses the main image as the whole background for the magazine and it contains members of a band. Whereas, I have used the used the main image on an artist and gave it a plain background so it's easier for other conventions to stand out.

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