Thursday 6 March 2014

My contents page comparison

As the genre for my magazine is 'indie-rock', I have chosen an NME magazine to compare it to as they have the same genre. My contents page shares similar qualities of that the NME contents page has for example, my masthead 'contents', is placed at the top mid-right both using bold, capital letters making it stand out to the audience. NME also does this as the magazine has a genre of ‘rock’ to show the power from the music and putting this across on the magazine.
I have made the colour scheme correlate with the front cover to make it seem professional and related. NME have also done this in their contents page.
 I have also placed selling lines (a subscription to the magazine) at the bottom of the page to persuade the reader into receiving the magazine on a monthly basis similar to NME. Both magazines include images from other issues of their magazines and also have the contact details in there. I also put links to Facebook and Twitter to have the younger readers more likely to subscribe.  
Both magazines include a main picture, bigger than any other and that they're both placed at the top of the page to clarify what the main feature is. NME uses only one image to show what that issue of the magazine is mainly about where as I have placed many images as I wanted to show the many other features included in my magazine, targeting at different audiences. 
A feature I didn't include in my magazine, which NME did was having a Band Index as I have already listed the band names on the front cover and so I didn't want it to be repetitive. I have also included an editor's letter as this gives you the chance to say why you have wrote the magazine and what's in it, giving the magazine a friendly approach. NME haven't included this in their magazine.

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