Thursday 19 September 2013


The first pie chart asking the question, ' What's your favourite clothes shop? shows that half of the  people tested have Topshop as their favourite place to shop. As this is the most popular, I can include promotions with deals for the shop to attract the audience. I will place this on my front cover to attract the audience's attention and as Topshop was the most popular result from the question, it should appeal to a larger audience.

The results from the 'Favourite music artist' show that The Artic Monkeys, Ben Howard and Rihanna are the favourites out of the group tested. I can include these on my front cover as an article, mentioning the page number in the magazine. As they are popular, current celebrities it should appeal to the target audience.

The final pie chart shows the results to the favourite music genre and this shows that Pop was the most popular which I can base my music section of the magazine on. I can base my music sections of the magazine on Pop related artists.

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