Wednesday 18 September 2013


                                                                             Questionnaire Research

The results from my research show me: what are the most popular things in the subject and within the class and what would be suitable to put in my magazine. 
The Results from the ‘Favourite Celebrity’ question shows that Leonardo Dicaprio, Hayley Williams and Beyoncé are the most popular celebrities within the class and so I will mention these in my magazine as it will bring a wide audience and it is suitable for most people. In my magazine I can do a main article on one of the celebrities about whats happened recently to them or if there is any shocking news.

For the second chart, I asked the question, 'What is your favourite film genre?' The results I got show that the most popular film genre was comedy.  I can also include horror as it's also a popular result from my questionnaire. As the majority of people  preferred the comedy genre  I will put this in my magazine as an article decribing new comedies that have been released recently, the best grossing and future releases. I can put this on the front cover of my magazine as a promotion to get a certain movie free with this magazine. It can give it a page number from that mafazine which will have a coupon on. Which will get the readrer's attention as it's a free movie.

The ‘Favourite Song’ question results show that the majority of people tested can’t decide on what their favourite song is. But it shows me that two out of the ten people tested, have a different favourite song but by they are by the same artist (The 1975) and so I will put these in my magazine as they have a similar taste in music. In my magazine,  I can put in a small feature in giving a weekly update on what is the most popular song with the students  at the moment.

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